London photowalk, June 2017. Roll one, Kodak Double X

At some point a few months back, Martin and Sandeep had floated the idea of a photowalk around London. It sounded like a great idea, and having not met many (any) online film photography folk, I signed up. Time passed, the 24th June arrived, and the meet-up was on. I drove to Swindon and got the train to London.

Upper crust

Camera choice is often a difficult thing ( have decided to soon purge my collection). I decided on the Olympus 35RC. It’s tiny and very decent. It pretty much fits in my coat pocket so it’s great for wandering around with. Next I had to decide what film to take. I chose about five but had one in mind that I’d definitely shoot, the rest to decide upon thereafter.

The roll I chose was Kodak Double X. I had acquired the film from Sandeep a while back when swapping some 35mm to 120 spacers and film. I had sent a roll of 120 Provia 100f for Xpro in his Holga, he sent Double X (amongst others) for use in the genre of Street Photography. In reterospect, his challenge to me was a nice genre to take me outside my comfort zone, and a nice film. My side…well…

[if you know Sandeep (@givemeabiscuit on Twitter) his love for custard creams is contrasted starkly by his hatred for cross processing colour reversal film in C41 chemicals (and his hatred of his Holga, apparently). Being the very good sport that he is, he did the challenge and the results were really great [See Sandeep’s post on this roll here]. Though I wouldn’t expect any more Xpro from him. He an avid advocate of #SayNoToXPro]

Anyway, the Double X  sat in the fridge for months. I didn’t want to waste it, there are only few streeets worth shooting near me. But when this opportunity arose I figured it was perfect. London has streets, perfect for street photography.

In all, it was a great day. Walks, talks, drinks, and though I had to leave early it was good to meet some great film photography people (and shiny film cameras). I’d definitely do it again and the people on the walk were a real decent bunch, great to meet you all, Martin, Sandeep, Ade, Tom, Thom, Bill, Simon and Sarah. I hope to see you again sometime.

Onto the film and pictures. From just one roll, I would say I REALLY like Double X. The results are quite (but not too) contrasty and beautifully grainy. I sent it off to be developed by Filmdev (whom I cannot recommend more highly) as I only had Rodinal and figured that might make the grain huge and offensive. I will definitely be buying some more of this film soon. Well, anyway, The aim was to have a go at street, and I’d say about 60% is street and 40% archetechture but I am pretty happy with the resulting images. Hopefully I have passed this challenge. I hope you enjoy, here you go:

First up was arrival into Paddington station and then the tube to London Bridge. The film seems to have a real glow to bright flourescent lights.

Walking to the meet, I liked this framing of the shard. I stood, camera poised waiting for a bird to pass, only to have the camera poop out on me. I didn’t know about this until it was developed (obviously).

After meeting up, we got on with walking along the Thames, across London Bridge and then off to a bunch of other places.

The guy in the next picture very kindly apologised for being the in shot about 3 times. No problem, it makes the shot.

Thom checking out cracks in the glass

Again, the camera has some sort of light leak or shutter problem.

And…the roll ran out. . I really really like this film. Time to buy a new developer and a few rolls.Next I loaded some Provia, fine grain and colourful – pretty much the opposite of this Double X.

6 thoughts on “London photowalk, June 2017. Roll one, Kodak Double X

  1. These have come out really well and have some really good images. I like the guy in the Tube station one a lot. Hurry up with the Provia now, we want to see


  2. Very nice! I like XX and wanted to get a few hundred feet to shoot but the supplier here I contacted was out of it. They procure and sell short ends and recans. Highly recommend getting a big supply and bulk rolling, if you like it.

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